Ok, so let's face it, my word count for June sucked. BUT June ended in a few ways I never thought possible.
We took the youngest 2 kiddos to Orlando. Nope .. no Disney. Instead we went up for a little R&R and to meet some friends; two totally amazing women that I've known online for years. They were going to the annual Pulmonary Hypertension Conference which was held in Orlando this year. I can't even put into words how amazing it was to finally get to meet them face to face after all these years; to hug them, laugh with them, spend time with them. I adore these two wonderful women. And, even though it's only been a few days since I saw them, I miss them terribly!

While we were up in Orlando, we took kiddo #3 over to Full Sail University. It's been his dream college forever because since he was a kid his dream job was to become a video game designer. He'd been accepted to their online program and started a week before we took the trip up to Orlando. We didn't tell him where we were headed until we got there. Total surprise for him! :)
So proud of him for following his dreams!
