Nicola Noble was born in Westchester County, NY in 1976. She currently lives in NC in the Triad with her better half, two of the kids, the dog, and the cat.
In addition to being a self published author, she's grandma, avid reader, crocheter and knitter, lover of languages, painter, and occasional baker. She graduated MWHS in 1994 and Ramapo College of NJ in 2001 where she received a Bachelor's in International Business/Marketing with a concentration in European Studies.
You can find her haunting the internet on GoodReads, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Favorite Colors: Blue, Black, & Silver
Favorite Drink: Coffee & more coffee
Favorite City: NYC of course! :)
Favorite Movie: Princess Bride
Favorite All-Time TV Show: Doctor Who
Favorite Music: Tough one, I listen to all genres
Favorite Book: "This Is All I Ask" -Lynn Kurland
Favorite Fruit: Peach
Place of Birth: Westchester County, NY
Date of Birth: July 1976
Current Location: North Carolina
Hair Color: Purple with blue on the ends
Eye Color: Brown
Piercings: 10
Tattoos: Currently 4
1) I hate blueberries
2) I'm an avid home canner
3) Did a study abroad in Urbino, Italy
4) Speaks various languages; most fluent in sarcasm
5) Phobia about drowning in a car, but ok with driving over bridges, go figure
6) Most # of hours awake in one go: 63hrs
7) Almost knocked Joe Torre over in the lobby of Pfizer back in 2005. In my defense, I only had 20 mins to go get lunch and get back to my desk
Q. Do you have a specific place to read?
A. Nope. I’m like the Sam I Am of reading.
Q. What book/s can you re-read without getting tired?
A. Wow, too many to list. When it comes to fiction, there are some books I can re-read many times. To me, it’s like visiting an old friend. When it comes to non-fiction, there are SO many things in this world that I’m interested in that I can re-read those over and over again (like the Encyclopedia).
Q. What is your favorite fiction book?
A. “This is all I ask” by Lynn Kurland & “Goody Two Shoes” by Janet Elizabeth Henderson
Q. What is/are your most memorable childhood book(s)?
A. There are 2. The first is “Charlotte’s Web”. I was in 3rd grade. I remember having to put the book down because when Charlotte died I couldn’t stop crying. The other was “Little Women”. I was in 4th grade. I got SO angry when Laurie and Amy got engaged that I chucked the book across the room and refused to pick it up from where it landed until a few days later.
Q. What quote from any book will you never forget? Why is it significant?
A. So many. Will have to think which is most significant.
Q. What books did you hate reading in school?
A. I know I’m going to get a lot of crap about it, but “Catcher in the Rye”. In fact, when the teacher went down the rows putting the books on everyone’s desk, I refused to pick it up. When the period was over, I left the book on the desk and refused to take it with me. So, the only bits of the book I know were the ones the teacher had student read aloud during class. Why did I refuse in the first place? Die-hard Beatles fan. Why didn't I give the book a chance? I didn't even think those bits read aloud in class were even all that good.
Q. Do you read before bed?
A. Most nights I do. Some nights I write until I’m exhausted though and pass out before getting a chance to read.
Q. How many books are there on your book shelf?
A. Not sure. Not all my books fit on the bookshelf. One day I’ll have a spot to keep all my books in one place and then I’ll count them.
Q. What genre of books do you prefer?
A. All of the above (?)
Q. Can you read while there is noise around, like music or TV?
A. Sometimes I can. I used to read while listening to music (only 1 ear bud in) while on the subway when I still lived in Brooklyn.
Q. Have you written any books? If so, tell us about it.
A. I have boxes (& boxes) filled with books that I started and never finished. I either got easily bored with the plot & characters, or the story completely fizzled out. It wasn’t until 2015 that one finally took shape, something I loved so much that the words just flowed. That was how “To Face The Fire” came into being. I published that in 2016 and then started on the next book in the series “Just Like Lightning” which was published back in May of 2017. The 3rd in the series “Whisper on the Wind” was published in November 2018. I'm also compiling recipes as a companion book for the series that will be out in a few years.
Q. Do you have a library card?
Q. What is the last book you read?
A. Currently re-reading London Girls (2 book set) by Janet Elizabeth Henderson
Q. How many books do you read per year?
A. Hmmm, good question. I never thought to count.
Q. Why is reading important to you?
A. Because a life without books is a sad existence.