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Absolutely Gutted


If you've read Rathin Lass, then you met Patrick.  I n the scene with Ellie and Louise in front of Ash's building, Louise mentions that Pat is having a bit of a lie in.  Whle I was writing the book, the real life Pat was battle cancer.  He had one hell of a battle and against the odds, he kicked cancer's ass.  Sadly, his immune system was decimated by the chemo.  And before he even had a change to boost his immunity, he was admitted to hospital with breathing problems.  While there, he contacted Covid and it was too much for his body to handle. 


On 27/Mar/2020 we lost one of the funniest fuckers I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. 


Still Going Strong


I've written every day since 9/Dec/2018.  Some days it's a few sentences.  Other days it's a few paragraphs.  This is the longest writting streak I've ever had since I started writing.  I hope I didn't just jinx myself!



Minor Updates


A few minor updates to the website to make it run smoother.

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