Amazing Life Moment!
We took the kiddos to Orlando to the House of Mouse for a few days. Our trip coincided with the RWA conference and the first night we were there, I headed over to the Boardwalk and got to meet up with Janet Elizabeth Henderson! It was part "total fangirl squee moment" part chance to get to thank her in person for all the help (read: answering my million+ questions I had) while I was finishing up To Face The Fire).. If it wasn't for her and Mary Frame, I don't think the book would have been all it could be. Heck, I might not have had the guts to publish it, if not for those two amazing women!
You can find Janet here and Mary here
I can't even put into words how amazing these women are!
Just Like Lightning finished the last round of edits and it's now published! It's available in paperback and ebook versions here
Be A Character Contest
Would you like to be a character in "Whisper on the Wind" Book 3 of the 5 Boroughs Series? Click Here for Official Rules & Entry Form
Manuscript Complete!
The manuscript for Just Like Lightning is complete! It's been through a preliminary edit and is now in the hands of my wonderful Beta Readers!
Signups Complete!
There's a new tab added to the top of the page called "NEWSLETTER".
It will take you to a form that you can sign up for the newsletter (totally NOT spammy) and a form to get birthday greetings sent to you from Nicola!
Author Spotlight is LIVE!
The Author Spotlight page is live!
Every Monday & Friday Authors and their books will be showcased in a Spotlight.
Check back often and find your new favorites!
Mobile Version of Website (*finally*) Updated!
I've finally got around to working on the mobile version of the website. Only took 10 months to get to it. Ugh! But it's been trimmed up and streamlined, making it MUCH easier to navigate :) Go check it out!
Website Updated!
I've been tinkering around with the website over the past few days. I worked out a few bugs, added a new slider for the Society 6 book swag, and have changed thr News & Events page so that everything from 2016 is seperate from 2017.
Kindle Book On Sale!
In anticipation of the release of Just Like Lightning, the Kindle version of To Face The Fire is now only 99c!
Pick up your copy today!
More Book Swag Now Available!
Notebooks, mugs, t-shirts, and much more! Now available online at Society 6
Get yours HERE