Book Release Swag Contest
Read the official rules and fill out the form below, simple as that!
The winner will be chosen at random on 12th of May 2017.
Official Rules:
1) Open to all citizens of Earth, 18+ (or 16-17 w/permission)
2) You must use your REAL NAME
3) You must provide a valid email address.
4) Immediate family members are ineligible.
5) If you won any Nicola Noble contest in the last 12 months, you are ineligible for this one.
6) You can NOT enter someone else in the contest.
7) Winner MUST provide full legal mailing address in order to receive their prize. If the winner's package is returned as non-deliverable, than the first drawing will be void and a new winner will be announced.
8) If you live outside of the US and Canada, please make sure that customs in your country allows the items in the swag package BEFORE entering.