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And we're on the move!


Gooooodbye Florida!  

In July we took a trip up to NC to look at a place.  It fell thru.  Saw another one online, the landlord did a Skype walk through, we applied and got it!  Now we have 2 weeks to pack up the house and get on the road! 


New Book .. And A New Series!


I started a new series in December 2018.  And it's now published!  

It takes place in London, England.  You'll meet Ellie and get a peek into her life and the lives of her friends.  Click the "Books" tab to go check it out.



Times They Are A Changin'


So many changes coming!  Up is down, forwards is backwards, but I'm very much looking forward to it all!  Will keep you all posted as it happens  :) 


CampNaNoWriMo Time!


Had a great month writing in March and decided to do Camp again this April.  I'm working on finishing a "surprise" project.  So, stay tuned!  Wonderful things are happening here!  :) 


Minor Updates


Just a few minor updates to the website.  Fixed a few issues and errors.  Ported all the posts for 2018 News/Events to their new home.  


Shit month


Everything went down hill in our lives after 24/Dec/18.  Trying to stay as busy as possible and hoping for better things to come our way (health and situation).  Keep your fingers crossed!

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