Nov & Dec of 2017 were pretty crappy writing-wise. January wasn't that great either; capping out at only 1,293 words for the month. February has been different. I'm already at 993 words, most of which were written between the 4th and 6th. HOORAY! I busted through writer's block and meandering sentences that went nowhere!
HOWEVER, typing has been really difficult lately. My right shoulder started hurting if I slept on that side. Then I noticed that my range of motion for my right shoulder isn't what it should be. The last few weeks it just seems to get worse. I've been nursing my right arm, as over a week ago it got REALLY bad with the pain screaming from where my right clavicle meets my sternum, and going all the way down my arm to my finger tips. My right bicep also feels like it's constantly flexed. Today I had my right arm in a sling and it made a world of difference. Definitely less painful!
UNFORTUNATELY, I'm now suspecting that I have a torn rotator cuff and by 'rubbing a little dirt on it' I've made it worse over the last few months. Ibuprofen doesn't help. Acetaminophen doesn't work. Alternating ice packs and a heating pad was useless. Hell, even Tiger Balm had zero effect. Sling worked though! So, there's that least that.
For now, I'll keep resting it as much as possible and using the sling. I already had a doc appointment scheduled for the 15th, so this is another thing to add to the list. Just sucks that I've had a breakthrough with the writing and now I'm broken; making it difficult to type. Oy Vey!